Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Website 2 - Storyboard/Progress

For Website-2 my group and I will be revising my previous Website-1. We will be adding more pages and design techniques to make the website more professional and effective. Our group will mainly colaborate on the website. This will allow us to express our ideas during each step of the project. However, we have assigned certain rules to group members. I will be incharge of keeping up contact with our client and discussing with them changes they think would be beneficial. Melissa put together a great logo design so she will be incharge of finishing the design. Alex took our ideas and notes, and created the storyboard which can be seen below. Besides these small things, the rest will be colaborated on. We all want to have equal input on the website so that we can all be satisfied with the results. Any deadlines we set are discussed in class and are treated more like benchmarks. We have a lot of time to work on this project so we will create a basic template of the website early, then get specific on details.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If I had more time to improve upon my first Website project I would first make sure that my page followed better alignment principles. I tried for a long time to get my columns to be the same width but could not figure it out. Had I had more time in class to work and ask question I believe I could have solved this problem. Another issue I had was with content. More time would have allowed me to perfect the written content instead of just putting things down that didn't necessarily have any bearing or importance to the website. I also should have included more content that helped educate the audience on the processes and prices of the company. After we went over different text types in class, I realized that my title/logo was not designed well. The script text that I used can make things hard  to read especially with "LLC". I struggled with figuring out how to work the program. I felt like once I made a template for one page it made it easier to just reuse that page repeatedly.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Program to create my Website

To create my website, I will use the MS Expressions program because it is free to purchase as a Tech student and it will be easier than using notepad to code HTML.